Exploration Geophysics
Volume 39 Number 3 2008
EG08019Integrating long- and short-wavelength statics with the generalized reciprocal method and the refraction convolution section
Derecke Palmer and James Shadlow
pp. 139-147
EG08016A line spacing compression method and an improved minimum curvature operator for grid interpolation of airborne magnetic surveys
Michael D. O'Connell and Matthew Owers
pp. 148-154
EG08017A new inversion algorithm for estimating the best fitting parameters of some geometrically simple body to measured self-potential anomalies
Khalid Essa, Salah Mehanee and Paul D. Smith
pp. 155-163
EG08018Rapid detection and classification of airborne time-domain electromagnetic anomalies using weighted multi-linear regression
Maxime Claprood, Michel Chouteau and Li Zhen Cheng
pp. 164-180
EG08020Automated multi-sensor petrophysical core logging
Adel Vatandoost, Peter Fullagar and Michael Roach
pp. 181-188