Exploration Geophysics
Volume 39 Number 2 2008
Featuring papers from the 19th ASEG Conference and Exhibition
EG08010The hydrodynamics of fields in the Macedon, Pyrenees, and Barrow Sands, Exmouth Sub-basin, Northwest Shelf Australia: identifying seals and compartments
J. R. Underschultz, R. A. Hill and S. Easton
pp. 85-93
EG08013Deepwater Taranaki, New Zealand: structural development and petroleum potential
Christopher lan Uruski
pp. 94-107
EG08015The role of rock physics for the Enfield 4D seismic monitoring project
Angelika Wulff, Andre Gerhardt, Tom Ridsdill-Smith and Megan Smith
pp. 108-114
EG08011Toward improved coal density estimation from geophysical logs
Binzhong Zhou and Joan Esterle
pp. 124-132
EG08014Calculation of conductivity and depth correction factors for the S-layer differential transform
Magdel Combrinck
pp. 133-138