Exploration Geophysics
Volume 39 Number 1 2008
Published jointly by ASEG, SEGJ, and KSEG
Editors: L. Thomas, H. Yamanaka, J. Byun
EG08004Evaluation and interpretation of the effects of heterogeneous layers in an OBS/air-gun crustal structure study
Kayoko Tsuruga, Junzo Kasahara, Ryuji Kubota, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Aya Kamimura, Yoshihiro Naito, Fuminori Honda, Nobutaka Oikawa, Yasuo Tamura, Azusa Nishizawa and Kentaro Kaneda
pp. 1-14
EG08005A new method for determining OBS positions for crustal structure studies, using airgun shots and precise bathymetric data
Atsushi Oshida, Ryuji Kubota, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Jun Ando, Junzo Kasahara, Azusa Nishizawa and Kentaro Kaneda
pp. 15-25
EG08006Interactive analysis tools for the wide-angle seismic data for crustal structure study (Technical Report)
Gou Fujie, Junzo Kasahara, Kei Murase, Kimihiro Mochizuki and Yoshiyuki Kaneda
pp. 26-33
EG08009Case studies of shallow marine investigations in Australia with advanced underwater seismic refraction (USR)
Robert J. Whiteley and Simon B. Stewart
pp. 34-40
EG08001Velocity-porosity relationships in oceanic basalt from eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: The effect of crack closure on seismic velocity
Takeshi Tsuji and Gerardo J. Iturrino
pp. 41-51
EG08003A marine deep-towed DC resistivity survey in a methane hydrate area, Japan Sea
Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Hideaki Machiyama, Ryo Takagi, Ryo Matsumoto, Yoshihisa Okuda, Mikio Satoh, Toshiki Watanabe, Nobukazu Seama, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada and Masataka Kinoshita
pp. 52-59
EG08002Fast numerical methods for marine controlled-source electromagnetic (EM) survey data based on multigrid quasi-linear approximation and iterative EM migration
Takumi Ueda and Michael S. Zhdanov
pp. 60-67
EG08007An efficient 2.5D inversion of loop-loop electromagnetic data
Yoonho Song and Jung-Ho Kim
pp. 68-77
EG08008Near-surface geophysical studies in the Ulsan Fault Zone of Korea
Ki Young Kim, Dong Hoon Kim and So Young Lee
pp. 78-84