A review of parameters affecting the accuracy and resolution of gravity surveys
A.M. Lynch and A.R. King
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
14(4) 131 - 142
Published: 1983
A properly specified gravity survey is a cost-effective approach that can significantly aid the design of a seismic program in petroleum exploration. Gravity survey specifi- cations should take into consideration three sources of error that affect the accuracy and resolution of gravity data: (1) error in the Bouguer anomaly value assigned to a station, (2)errors in interpolation of the gravity field between stations and (3) geological 'noise' due to near-surface density variations and deep regional discontinuities. The first error is principally a function of the uncertainty in the station positioning, while the other two are functions of the station spacing and coverage. Various types of gravity surveys are discussed with illustrated examples.https://doi.org/10.1071/EG983131
© ASEG 1983