On the fitting of velocity functions to seismic refraction data
S.A. Greenhalgh, D.W. King and D.W. Emerson
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
11(3) 78 - 91
Published: 1980
In this paper the general integral raypath equations for wave propagation in variable velocity media are evaluated for a variety of analytic velocity functions. Procedures for fitting the various functions to empirical time-distance data are developed and compared. The velocity-depth functions V = Vo (1 + KZ)1/n and V = Vo + CvZ offer the best compromise between mathematical tractability and applicability to empirical refraction data exhibiting curvilinear time-distance relationships. [See full text for List of symbols].https://doi.org/10.1071/EG980078
© ASEG 1980