Gravity anomalies and crustal structure?a review
S.P. Mathur
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
8(4) 111 - 117
Published: 1977
Besides seismic methods, gravity anomalies have been widely used to study crustal structure. For this purpose efforts have been made to determine the relation between regional anomalies and crustal thickness and composition derived from seismic measurements. Such a relation is to be expected as the seismic results show that a major change in velocity, and hence density, occurs at the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho) at the base of the crust. The anomalies mainly used for such studies are Bouguer anomalies that have been corrected for mass distribution above sea level. Free-air anomalies are also used to obtain additional information on the nature of isostatic equilibrium and near-surface mass variations in the region.
© ASEG 1977