First report of Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis as a cause of soft rot of potato in China
Jinhua Li A B , Zhaoxiang Chai A , Hetong Yang C , Guoquan Li D and Di Wang B EA Department of Plant Pathology, College of Grassland Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China.
B Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic and Germplasm Enhancement, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China.
C Biology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan 250014, China.
D Zhangye Trial Farm of Gansu Agricultural Science Academy, Zhangye 734000, China.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 2(1) 71-73
Submitted: 5 March 2007 Accepted: 22 April 2007 Published: 4 May 2007
Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis was identified by physiological and molecular methods (16 S rDNA sequence), as a cause of bacterial soft rot of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in Zhangye District of central Gansu, China. Pathogenicity was confirmed in whole potato microtubers, seedlings and tuber pieces and the pathogen reisolated from the inoculated plants. This is the first report of bacterial soft rot of potato caused by P. marginalis pv. marginalis in China.
The study received financial support from Agricultural Council of Gansu Province (project 2GS054-A41-005-01) and the Scientific and Technological Council of Gansu Province (project GNSW-2006-01). The authors thanks Prof. Wang Shengrong (Gansu Agricultural University) and Dr Ian Riley for their encouragement and advice.
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