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Australasian Plant Disease Notes Australasian Plant Disease Notes Society

Occurrence of a DNA β-containing begomovirus associated with leaf curl disease of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in India

S. Paul A , R. Ghosh A , A. Roy A B , J. I. Mir A and S. K. Ghosh A
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A Plant Virus Laboratory and Biotechnology Unit, Division of Crop Protection, Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Kolkata-700120, West Bengal, India.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australasian Plant Disease Notes 1(1) 29-30
Submitted: 1 August 2006  Accepted: 27 September 2006   Published: 11 October 2006


The association of a begomovirus, which has satellite DNA β, with leaf curl disease of kenaf has been detected for the first time.


Authors are grateful to Director CRIJAF, for his keen interest during the present investigation and Dr V. G. Malathi (IARI) for providing DNA A probe. The first two authors are also grateful to ICAR for providing financial assistance during the tenure of which this work was carried out.


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