Children: Picture Books

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Cover of 'Fabulous Frogs' showing a variety of frogs in different environm

Fabulous Frogs

Katrina Germein, Suzanne Houghton
Hardback - October 2024 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Tardigrades', with an illustration of tardigrades, a snowy mount


Anne Morgan, Jennifer Falkner
Hardback - October 2024 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Purinina', featuring an illustration of a Tasmanian Devil.


Christina Booth
Hardback - September 2024 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Oceans at Night', featuring watercolour artwork of a whale and t

Oceans at Night

Vanessa Pirotta, Cindy Lane
Hardback - June 2024 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Diprotodon', featuring a diprotodon eating greenery in the foreg


Bronwyn Saunders, Andrew Plant
Hardback - October 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Wollemi: Saving a Dinosaur Tree' featuring an illustration of a


Samantha Tidy, Rachel Gyan
Hardback - October 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Alight' featuring an illustration of a tree on a grassy plain wi


Sam Lloyd , Samantha Metcalfe
Hardback - June 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Life in a Hollow', featuring an illustration of two possums peer

Life in a Hollow

David Gullan, Suzanne Houghton
Hardback - April 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Pollination', featuring an illustration of a child holding a pos


Christopher Cheng, Danny Snell
Hardback - February 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Wonderful Wasps', illustrated with many different species of nat

Wonderful Wasps

Katrina Germein, Suzanne Houghton
Hardback - November 2022 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Swifty', featuring an illustration of a swift parrot flying, enc


Stephanie Owen Reeder, Astred Hicks
Hardback - October 2022 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Swoop', featuring an illustrated magpie happily flying towards t


Nicole Godwin, Susannah Crispe
Hardback - September 2022 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'One Potoroo', featuring an illustration of a Gilbert's potoroo e

One Potoroo

Penny Jaye, Alicia Rogerson
Hardback - August 2021 - AU $24.99
Cover of Bee Detectives, featuring a bright illustration of two children s

Bee Detectives

Vanessa Ryan-Rendall, Brenna Quinlan
Hardback - April 2021 - AU $24.99
Cover of Plantastic! featuring illustrations of various Australian plants,


Catherine Clowes, Rachel Gyan
Hardback - February 2021 - AU $29.99
Cover of 'Hold on!' featuring an illustration of a spotted handfish on the

Hold On!

Gina Newton, Rachel Tribout
Hardback - October 2020 - AU $24.99
Cover of The Forest in the Tree featuring an illustration of cacao trees c

The Forest in the Tree

Ailsa Wild, Aviva Reed, Briony Barr, Gregory Crocetti
Hardback - September 2020 - AU $24.99
Four book covers

The Small Friends Books Set

Ailsa Wild, Aviva Reed, Briony Barr, Gregory Crocetti, Linda Blackall, Patricia Stock
Set - September 2020 - AU $79.99
Cover of Windcatcher featuring a watercolour illustration of a short-taile


Diane Jackson Hill, Craig Smith
Hardback - October 2019 - AU $24.99
Cover featuring a drawing of a nematode moving through an underground chan

Nema and the Xenos

Ailsa Wild, Aviva Reed, Briony Barr, Gregory Crocetti, S. Patricia Stock
Hardback - August 2019 - AU $24.99
Cover with illustration of bleaching coral

Zobi and the Zoox

Ailsa Wild, Aviva Reed, Briony Barr, Gregory Crocetti
Hardback - June 2018 - AU $24.95
Cover featuring an illustration of an Eastern Barred Bandicoot on a tree s

Bouncing Back

Rohan Cleave, Coral Tulloch
Hardback - April 2018 - AU $24.95


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