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Cover of 'Fabulous Frogs' showing a variety of frogs in different environm

Fabulous Frogs

Katrina Germein, Suzanne Houghton

Hardback - October 2024 - AU $24.99

Cover of 'Tardigrades', with an illustration of tardigrades, a snowy mount


Anne Morgan, Jennifer Falkner

Hardback - October 2024 - AU $24.99

Cover of 'Purinina', featuring an illustration of a Tasmanian Devil.


Christina Booth

Hardback - September 2024 - AU $24.99

Cover of 'Plantabulous!' featuring brightly coloured illustrations of Aust


Catherine Clowes, Rachel Gyan

Hardback - June 2024 - AU $29.99

Cover of 'Oceans at Night', featuring watercolour artwork of a whale and t

Oceans at Night

Vanessa Pirotta, Cindy Lane

Hardback - June 2024 - AU $24.99


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