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CSIRO Land Research Surveys CSIRO Land Research Surveys Society
Mapping Land Resources in Australia and Papua New Guinea

No. 28 Lands of the Ord–Victoria Area, Western Australia and Northern Territory

GA Stewart, RA Perry, SJ Paterson, JR Sleeman, RO Slatyer, PR Dunn, PJ Jones and DM Traves

Land Research Surveys 2010(1) 1 - 139
Published: 2010


The Ord–Victoria area survey was conducted between 1949 and 1952 though not updated and published until 1970.

The survey covered ~232,300 km2 in six physical regions. The survey recognised 50 land systems ranging from ~233 km2 to 41,960 km2 that have between three and eight land units. The report describes the relative area and distribution, landforms, soils and vegetation of 233 units, showing their position in the landscape on block diagrams.

The report has seven individual disciplinary chapters:

  1. Climate — describes and relates general climatic characteristics to the growth of agricultural plants and pastures, and estimates irrigation water requirements
  2. Geology — describes eight periods of geological history and relations between land systems, lithology and stratigraphic units
  3. Geomorphology — recognises three major regions, one with six sub-regions, outlines landscape history, and describes 27 mapped geomorphological units
  4. Soils — identifies five broad profile types with 37 soil families in 16 great soil groups, shows their relation to land systems and types of pasture land, and discusses agricultural characteristics
  5. Vegetation — identifies plant and community types in relation to environments and describes 41 tree shrub and grass layer communities
  6. Pasture Lands — outlines key features of the cattle industry and groups land systems to identify and describe 13 classes of pasture lands
  7. Agricultural Potential — describes status (in 1970) and incorporates information from the survey and research to assess potential for dryland and irrigated agriculture

Map 1 — Land Systems arranged in Pasture Lands of the Ord–Victoria area, Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia by GA Stewart, RA Perry, SJ Paterson, JR Sleeman, and DM Traves. Scale 1:1,000,000. CSIRO Land Research Series No. 28, 1970.

Map 2 — Geomorphology of the Ord–Victoria area, Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia by SJ Paterson. Scale 1:1,000,000. Inset with Geology by DM Traves, PR Dunn and PJ Jones. CSIRO Land Research Series No. 28, 1970.

Map 3 — Geological map of the Ord–Victoria Region, Northern Territory and Western Australia by DM Traves based on traverses and air photo interpretation carried out in conjunction with the Land Research and Regional Survey Sction CSIRO in 1949 and 1952. CSIRO Land Research Series No. 28, 1970.

Map 4 — Coastline strip map of the Ord–Victoria Region, Northern Territory and Western Australia, illustrating joint control of coastline configuration. Geomorphology by SJ Paterson, CSIRO, 1954. CSIRO Land Research Series No. 28, 1970.

Editor's Note: Since the survey, major developments have occurred. The Ord irrigation scheme commenced in 1953 with the current dam, forming Lake Argyle, completed in 1972. The irrigated area, ~12,500 ha in 2011, is projected to reach 45,000 ha. The Argyle diamond resource was discovered in 1979 and the current mine commenced production in 1985. Tourism is also a major industry.

© CSIRO 2010

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