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Australian and New Zealand Continence JournalAustralian and New Zealand Continence Journal SocietyAustralian and New Zealand Continence Journal Society
Connecting health professionals and academics across Australasia with the latest research, insights, and innovations in continence care, from diagnosis and treatment to best practices in promoting continence

Did you know... occupational therapists assist in assessment and management of continence across the lifespan?

Susan Brandis

Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 30(1) 11 - 14
Published: 2024


Managing a complex issue like incontinence requires a multidisciplinary approach. While the traditional roles of doctors, nurses, dieticians, and physiotherapists are generally well understood, the role of occupational therapy is often unclear. This paper aims to explain how occupational therapists can contribute to the team management of continence by addressing this across the life span. With a focus on independence and functional outcomes, occupational therapists are well positioned to enhance client outcomes, from birth to death, from assessment to longer term management.

© CSIRO 2024

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