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Australian and New Zealand Continence JournalAustralian and New Zealand Continence Journal SocietyAustralian and New Zealand Continence Journal Society
Connecting health professionals and academics across Australasia with the latest research, insights, and innovations in continence care, from diagnosis and treatment to best practices in promoting continence
CASE STUDY (Open Access)

Overflow effect of high intensity exercise in the treatment of urinary incontinence in spinal stroke: a case study

Christopher Myers and Moira Smith

Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 28(1) 9 - 14
Published: 2022


Spinal cord infarction is rare, often with a sudden onset of symptoms including bladder and bowel dysfunction, paralysis and sensory disturbances. This case reports the efficacy of a therapeutic exercise program as a non-invasive functional treatment for urinary incontinence and reports its results. It describes a 67-year-old woman who experienced a T10‑L1 anterior spinal cord infarction living with residual urinary incontinence and lower limb sensory and strength deficits. This paper explains the overflow effect of high volume exercise prescribed to address urinary incontinence symptoms resulting from spinal cord infarction. It highlights the potential use of co‑contraction techniques in the conservative management of neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms.

© CSIRO 2022

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