Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 58 Number 4 2005
CH05038Ferricyanide-Mediated Microbial Reactions for Environmental Monitoring
Kristy Morris, Huijun Zhao and Richard John
pp. 237-245
CH05034The Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE) and its Application to the Electrodeposition of Metals
C. T. John Low, Carlos Ponce de Leon and Frank C. Walsh
pp. 246-262
CH04255Electrochemical Actuator Devices Based on Polyaniline Yarns and Ionic Liquid Electrolytes
Wen Lu, Ian D. Norris and Benjamin R. Mattes
pp. 263-269
CH04258Electrochemical Detection of Yeast Responses to Catabolizable Molecules
Keith H. R. Baronian, Saroja Gurazada and Ancy Thomas
pp. 270-274
CH04259Fluorescence Microscopy Study of Protein Adsorption at Modified Glassy Carbon Surfaces
Alison J. Downard, Sandra L. Jackson and Emelyn S. Q. Tan
pp. 275-279
CH04265Electrochemical Transduction of DNA Hybridization by Long-Range Electron Transfer
Elicia L. S. Wong and J. Justin Gooding
pp. 280-287
CH05001Redox Coupling to Microbial Respiration: an Evaluation of Secondary Mediators as Binary Mixtures with Ferricyanide
Neil Pasco, Joanne Hay, Amy Scott and Judith Webber
pp. 288-293
CH04289The Mediated Electrodeposition of Polypyrrole on Aluminium Alloy
Kirill L. Levine, Dennis E. Tallman and Gordon P. Bierwagen
pp. 294-301
CH05039The Thermodynamics of Solid–Solid Interfaces in Systems of Fixed Mass
Stephen Fletcher
pp. 302-305