Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 34 Number 1 1981
CH9810013Electrochemical aspects of leaching copper from chalcopyrite in ferric and cupric salt solutions
AJ Parker, RL Paul and GP Power
pp. 13-34
CH9810035Hydrogen-1, carbon-13, phosphorus-31 and selenium-77 n.m.r. studies on organophosphorus selenides
SW Carr and R Colton
pp. 35-44
CH9810045Conformational analysis of coordination compounds. XI. Molecular structure of tetraammine{(±)-pentane-2,4-diamine)cobalt(III) dithionate
TW Hambley, CJ Hawkins, JA Palmer and MR Snow
pp. 45-56
CH9810065The crystal structure of a dithiophosphate-bridged binuclear cobalt(II) complex of a macrocyclic ligand
GA Williams and R Robson
pp. 65-79
CH9810115Anomalous acetoxylation of aromatic nuclei: some structural requirements in the substrate
WM Bandaranayake and NV Riggs
pp. 115-129
CH9810131Isobenzofulvenes. VII. Regio- and site-selective cycloadditions and their potential in anthraquinone synthesis
RAVEG Russell and RN Warrener
pp. 131-141
CH9810143Cyanidation products of organoboranes derived from linalyl acetate
R Murphy and RH Prager
pp. 143-150
CH9810151Central nervous system active compounds. VI. Reissert compounds as precursors of 1-(3-phthalidy1)isoquinolines
TV Hung, BA Mooney, RH Prager and AD Ward
pp. 151-162
CH9810171The stereochemistry of organometallic compounds. XX. The stereochemistry of formation of (1-3-η)-PdCl complexes from Deutero-substituted1-acetyl-4-t-butylcyclohex-1-enes
BAW Coller, WR Jackson, A Stragalinou and JUG Strauss
pp. 171-180
CH9810181Organocuprates as electron transfer reagents. Evaluation for conjugate addition of electrophiles to α,β-unsaturated ketones
DJ Hannah, RAJ Smith, I Teoh and RT Weavers
pp. 181-188
CH9810189Triazolopteridines. I. Simple s-Triazolo[4,3-c]pteridines and their derived [1,5-c] isomers
DJ Brown and K Shinozuka
pp. 189-194
CH9810195Alkaloids of Cryptocarya longifolia: X-Ray Crystal Structure of Thalifoline and Longifolonine
IC Bick, T Sevenet, W Sinchai, B Skelton and A White
pp. 195-207
CH9810209Cyclopentadienyl-ruthenium and -osmium chemistry. XIII. Some complexes containing isonitrile ligands
MI Bruce and RC Wallis
pp. 209-213
CH9810223The protonation of some Methylnaphthalen-1-ols in fluorosulfonic acid
SM Blackstock, MP Hartshorn and KE Richards
pp. 223-225
CH9810227Synthesis of the fungal pigment 2,7-Dihydroxy-5-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone
DW Cameron, GI Feutrill and PG Griffiths
pp. 227-229