Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 6 Number 1 1953
CH9530033The vibrational spectra of Methane Sulphonyl Chloride and Methane Sulphonyl Fluoride
NS Ham and AN Hambly
pp. 33-37
CH9530038The chemistry of Quinones. I. Directive effects in the Substitution of Naphthoquinones
RG Cooke, H Dowd and W Segal
pp. 38-43
CH9530044Studies on the Lignin of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. V. Ethanol Lignin
JWT Merewether
pp. 44-52
CH9530053Colouring matters of Australian Plants. III. Synthesis of 7-Methyljuglone and related compounds
RG Cooke and H Dowd
pp. 53-57
CH9530058Alkaloids of Australian Strychnos species. I. Constituents of S. lucida R.Br. and S. psilosperma F.Muell
FAL Anet, GK Hughes and E Ritchie
pp. 58-65
CH9530066Alkaloids of the Australian Rutaceae: Acronychia baueri Schott. IV. Alkaloids present in the leaves
JA Lamberton and JR Price
pp. 66-77
CH9530078The Alkaloids of Cryptocasrya bowiei (Hook.) Druce
J Ewing, GK Hughes, E Ritchie and WC Taylor
pp. 78-85
CH9530086The chemicial consitituents of Australian Zanthoxylum species. II. The Constituents of Z. brachyacanthum F. Muell., Z. veneficum F.M. Bail., and Z. suberosum C.T. White
JR Cannon, GK Hughes, E Ritchie and WC Taylor
pp. 86-89
CH9530090The constituents of Legnephora moorei F.Muell
GK Hughes, FP Kaiser, N Matheson and E Ritchie
pp. 90-91