Australian Journal of Scientific Research
Volume 3 Number 2 1950
CH9500234Galactic Radiation at Radio Frequencies. II. The Discrete Sources
GJ Stanley and OB Slee
pp. 234-250
CH9500251Galactic Radiation at Radio Frequencies. III. Galactic Structure
JG Bolton and KC Westfold
pp. 251-264
CH9500284The Superstructure in the a Phase of Silver-Magnesium Alloys
LM Clarebrough and JF Nicholas
pp. 284-289
CH9500290The Catalytic Dehydration of 2,3-Butanediol to Butadiene. II. Adsorption Equilibria
ME Winfield
pp. 290-305
CH9500306Liquid-Vapour Equilibria. I. The Systems Carbon Tetrachloride-cyclo-hexane and Water-Acetic Acid
I Brown and AH Ewald
pp. 306-323
CH9500330Some Bridged Derivatives of 4-Piperidone
EFLJ Anet, GK Hughes, D Marmion and E Ritchie
pp. 330-335
CH9500336 A synthesis of isopelletierine and methylisopelletierine
EFLJ Anet, GK Hughes and E Ritchie
pp. 336-341
CH9500342The Chemical Constituents of Australian Xanthoxylum Species. I. Suberosin, 6-(γγ-Dimethylallyl)-7-methoxycoumarin
J Ewing, GK Hughes and E Ritchie
pp. 342-345