The synthesis of some substituted methyl pyridinecarboxylates. I. Methyl 6-substituted picolinates, methyl 6-substituted nicotinates, and methyl 2-substituted isonicotinates
AD Campbell, E Chan, SY Chooi, LW Deady and RA Shanks
Australian Journal of Chemistry
24(2) 377 - 383
Published: 1971
General methods for the synthesis of methyl 6-X-picolinates, methyl 6- X-nicotinates, and methyl 2-X-isonicotinates (X = NO2, Br, MeO, Me2N) from the appropriate 2-amino-n-methylpyridine (n = 6, 5, 4 respectively) are described. Preparations of methyl 6-methylpicolinate and methyl 2-methylisonicotinate from the corresponding lutidines are given also.
© CSIRO 1971