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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
An international journal for chemical science

Heats of formation of zirconium hydrides

AG Turnbull

Australian Journal of Chemistry 17(10) 1063 - 1071
Published: 1964


Heats of solution in 3.83N HF have been measured for zirconium metal and for five zirconium hydrides to evaluate the following heats of formation AHf0298: ZrH2 -39.7, ZrH1.85 -38.2, ZrH1.70. -34.7, ZrH1.43 -30.05, ZrH1.23 -25.3 kcal/mole hydride. A review of heat capacity and entropy data for zirconium hydrides has enabled a good correlation to be made between calorimetric and dissociation pressure studies, so that the effect of composition on all thermodynamic properties is established.

© CSIRO 1964

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