A new method for the preparation of FeIV and comparison with the performance of FeO42−
Haoda Guo A , Linhao Fan A and Naidong Zhang
FeO32− acted as a highly effective water-purifying agent and exhibited superior performance compared with FeO42−. The traditional synthesis method of FeO32− requires challenging reaction conditions. This study focused on the environmentally friendly synthesis of green Na2FeO3 crystals using sodium hypochlorite as a medium by a concentration method under depressurisation. In an alkaline hypochlorite system, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed that, under different OH− concentrations and temperatures, hypochlorite can oxidise FeIII to FeO32−. Na2FeO3 served as a highly effective water-purifying agent and was superior to K2FeO4 in the treatment of oil-recovery wastewater. Na2FeO3 and K2FeO4 reacted similarly to organic compounds as determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Additionally, it is less expensive to synthesise Na2FeO3 compared with K2FeO4.
Keywords: characterisation, ferrateIV, ferrateVI, K2FeO4, Na2FeO3, NaClO, preparation, water treatment chemicals.
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