Preparation and photoelectric properties of the polycrystalline silicon solar cells depositing Sb2Ox nano-films
Lingling Zhou
A Department of Food and Environmental Engineering, Chuzhou Polytechnic, Chuzhou 239000, China.
B The Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Resource Chemistry and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Functional Materials, College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China.
Australian Journal of Chemistry 75(4) 295-303
Submitted: 26 October 2021 Accepted: 30 December 2021 Published: 8 March 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing.
Sb2Ox nano-film/c-Si composite solar cells were prepared by the spin-coating method. The absorption efficiency, the minority carrier lifetime, and the internal/external quantum efficiency of Sb2Ox/c-Si solar cells had a significant improvement because Sb2Ox nano-film, as a wide band gap (~3.44 eV) semiconductor, had an excellent photoelectrical performance, and could form an effective heterojunction with the silicon substrate. Sb2Ox nano-films deposited on the c-Si wafers reduced the loss of the solar light, absorbed the high-energy photons, accelerated the transmission and separation of the photo-generated carriers, and suppressed the recombination of the minority carriers effectively. Thus the power conversion efficiency was improved from 12.8 to 15.3% in Sb2Ox/c-Si solar cells, which was enhanced by 19.53% compared to the untreated polycrystalline silicon solar cells.
Keywords: broadband absorption, composite, deposit, nano-film, photoelectric conversion efficiency, photoelectric properties, recombination, separation, transmission.
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