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Brunonia Brunonia Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Some marine diatoms from the Australian region, especially from Port Phillip Bay and Tropical Nort-eastern Australia.

Stosch HA Von

Brunonia 8(2) 293 - 348
Published: 1985


Ten taxa of marine diatoms from SE. or NE. Australia are described or redescribed, and their characters are supplemented by fine-structural and developmental data. One genus (Pseudoguinardia von Stosch), one species (Pseudoguinardia recta von Stosch), and two varieties (Odontella retiformis var. trigona von Stosch and Haslea gigantea var. tennis von Stosch) are newly described. Six other taxa [Coscinodiscus alboranii Pavillard, C. concinniformis Simonsen, Dactyliosolen blavyanus (Peragallo) Hasle, Rhizosolenia phuketensis Sundstrom, Haslea gigantea (Hustedt) Simonsen, and H. wawrikae (Hustedt) Simonsen] are new to the Australian flora. Gross and fine-structural characters are added to the descriptions of the world-wide and common R. stolterfothii (Stolterfoth) Peragallo and of the non-Australian Odontella retiformis var. retiformis von Stosch in order to bring them on a level of detail sufficient for their comparison with R. phuketensis or the new variety, respectively. The new species, although overlooked up to now, as well as C. alboranii and probably R. phuketensis, seem to be distributed world-wide in warmer neritic waters.

© CSIRO 1985

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