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Brunonia Brunonia Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Taxonomic revisions in Theaceae in Papuasia. 1. Gordonia, Ternstroemid, Adinandra and Archboldiodendron.

WR Barker

Brunonia 3(1) 1 - 60
Published: 1980


The revisions cover all genera of Theaceae in Papuasia except Eurya and the single Australian representative. Descriptions and keys at all levels are provided, including a key to all genera of Theaceae in the region. Gordonia is represented by a single species G. papuana Kobuski; G. brassii Kobuski and Kobuski's varieties of G.papuana are reduced to synonymy. Five species of Ternstroemia occur; T. britteniana FvM. encompasses eight previously recognized species; T. meiocarpa Kobuski is maintained as a distinct species with some reservation; T. cherryi (F. M. Bailey) Merr., extending into north-eastern Queensland, has T. rehderana Kobuski and probably T. nabirensis Kurata as synonyms; T. monostigma, a new species from north-westem and north-central lowland Papuasia, is unique in the genus by its single 2-ovulate carpel with a single stigma; T. merrilliana Kobuski has close affinities to west Malesian species. Adinandra consists of one species Ad. forbesii Bak.f., with Ad. brassii Kobuski reduced to synonymy. Endemic Archboldiodendron has one species Archb. calosericeum Kobuski (1940) with taxonomic synonym Adinandra calosericea Diels (1922); it has been reconstituted to comprise three subspecies, with ssp. merrillianum based on Archb. merrillianum Kobuski, and ssp, kaindiensis a new subspecies confined to the Wau area; the first documentation of its succulent indehiscent fruit with many seeds borne on fleshy placentas supports its affinities being near Adinandra. Ploiarium sessile (Scheff.) Hall.f., usually considered to belong in Bonnetiaceae, is briefly treated and included in the generic key.

© CSIRO 1980

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