Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 41 Number 3 1988
GH McDowell, D Leenanuruksa, P Niumsup, JM Gooden, JG van der Walt and R Smithard
pp. 279-288
BI9880289Changes in Milk Composition during Lactation in the Potoroo, Potorous tridactyius (Marsupialia : Potoroinae)
HM Crowley, DR Woodward and RW Rose
pp. 289-296
BI9880297Effect of Myiasis and Acute Restraint Stress on Plasma Levels of Immunoreactive , ß-Endorphin, Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) and Cortisol in the Sheep
DA Shutt, AI Smith, CA Wallace, R Connell and LR Fell
pp. 297-302
BI9880303Secretion of LH, FSH and Oestradiol-17ß During the Follicular Phase of the Oestrous Cycle in the Ewe
GB Thomas, GB Martin, JR Ford, PM Moore, BK Campbell and DR Lindsay
pp. 303-308
BI9880309Temperature and Humidity of Expired Air of Sheep
KG Johnson, SM Callahan and R Strack
pp. 309-314
BI9880315Electrophoretic Resolution of Species Boundaries in Australian Microchiroptera. IV. The Molossidae (Chiroptera)
M Adams, TR Reardon, PR Baverstock and CHS Watts
pp. 315-326
BI9880327Are Megabats Flying Primates? Contrary Evidence from a Mitochondrial DNA Sequence
S Bennett, LJ Alexander, RH Crozier and AG Mackinlay
pp. 327-332
BI9880333Oestrogen Sulfotransferase: Isolation of a High Specific Activity Species from Bovine Placenta
Stephen S Moore, EOP Thompson and Allan R Nash
pp. 333-342
BI9880357Responses of Lactating Ewes to Exogenous Growth Hormone: Short- and Long-term Effects on Productivity and Tissue Utilization of Key Metabolites
LD Sandles, YX Sun, AGC D'Cruz, GH McDowell and JM Gooden
pp. 357-370
BI9880371Development of Sheep Embryos in vitro in a Medium Supplemented with Different Batches of Serum Albumin
PA Batt and BG Miller
pp. 371-376
BI9880387Effect of Short-term and Long-term Lithium Treatment on Uptake and Retention of 10dine-131 in Rat Thyroid
D Dhawan, RR Sharma, R Sharma and RJ Dash
pp. 387-392
BI9880393Structure-Activity Studies of Melatonin Analogues in Prepubertal Male Rats
DJ Kennaway, HM Hugel, S Clarke, A Tjandra, D WJohnson, P Royles, HA Webb and F Carbone
pp. 393-400