Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 41 Number 2 1988
JD Murray, CD Nancarrow, RJ Scaramuzzi and Y Cognie
pp. 157-162
BI9880163Release of Cuticle from Wool by Agitation in Solutions of Detergents
Kevin F Ley, WGordon Crewther, George F Flanagan, Leslie N Jones and Robert C Marshall
pp. 163-176
BI9880177Effects of Growth Hormone Administration on Wool Growth in Merino Sheep
PC Wynn, ALC Wallace, AC Kirby and EF Annison
pp. 177-188
BI9880189Development of Sheep Embryos in Vitro in a Medium Supplemented with Different Serum Fractions
PA Batt and BG Miller
pp. 189-200
BI9880201Cellularity of Organs in Mature Rams of Different Breeds
WF Colebrook, JL Black, GH Brown and JB Donnelly
pp. 201-214
BI9880215Post-Heparin Triacylglycerol Lipases in Ovine Plasma
RK Tume, RF Thornton and G WJohnson
pp. 215-222
BI9880223Experimental Diabetes in Lactating Sheep: Effects of Alloxan on Plasma Insulin, Glucose, Glucose Kinetics and Milk Characteristics
D Leenanuruksa and GH McDowell
pp. 223-230
BI9880231Gene Mapping in Marsupials and Monotremes, V. Synteny between Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase and Phosphoglycerate Kinase in the Platypus
Jaclyn M Watson and Jennifer A MarshalI Graves
pp. 231-238
BI9880239Polymorphic Inversion and Esterase Loci Complex on Chromosome 2 of Drosophila buzzatii II. Spatial Variation
WR Knibb and JSF Barker
pp. 239-246
BI9880247Metabolism of Sulfur-containing Amino Acids by Pregnant Merino Ewes
AJ Williams, R Murison and J Padgett
pp. 247-260
BI9880269Characterization of Proteolytic and Collagenolytic Enzymes from the Larvae of Lucilia cuprina, the Sheep Blowfly
VM Bowles, PR Carnegie and RM Sandeman
pp. 269-278