Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 39 Number 3 1986
PJ Reis, DA Tunks, RDG Rigby, SG Munro and RW Edols
pp. 209-224
BI9860225Isolation of a New Rhabdovirus in Australia Related to Tibrogargan Virus
DH Cybinski and G PGard
pp. 225-232
BI9860241Hyphal Emergence and Outgrowth of Allomyces macrogynus in Aerated Cultures
Ann Cleary, Jean Youatt and TP O'Brien
pp. 241-254
BI9860255Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Wild Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) in Australia
PJ Dry and JJ Burdon
pp. 255-270
BI9860271Development of a Sheep Hind-Limb Muscle Preparation for Metabolic Studies
E Teleni and EF Annison
pp. 271-282
BI9860283Production of Steroids and Release of Prostaglandins by Spherical Pig Blastocysts in vitro
BA Stone, RF Seamark, RW Kelly and S Deam
pp. 283-294
BI9860295Pattern of Loss of Spermatozoa from the Vagina of the Ewe
AJ Tilbrook and DT Pearce
pp. 295-304
BI9860305Time Required for Spermatozoa to Remain in the Vagina of the Ewe to Ensure Conception
AJ Tilbrook and DT Pearce
pp. 305-310