Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 40 Number 1 1987
BI9870015Composition of Wax Made by the Australian Stingless Bee Trigona australis
B V Milborrow, JM Kennedy and A Dollin
pp. 15-26
BI9870027Effect of Erythrocyte Spectrin on Actin Self-Association
Leann Tilley and GB Ralston
pp. 27-36
BI9870037Changes in a-Lactalbumin, Total Lactose, UDP-Galactose Hydrolase and other Factors in Tammar Wallaby (Macropus eugenii) Milk during Lactation
MichaeI Messer and Christine Elliott
pp. 37-46
BI9870057Additive and Heterotic Genetic Effects in the Haplo-diploid Honeybee Apis Mellifera
BP Oldroyd and C Moran
pp. 57-64
BI9870065Metrical Characters in Parallel-grown Subpopulations of Barley Composite Cross Five
DJ Luckett and AL Sharif
pp. 65-78
BI9870079Structural Differentiation and Fluid Reabsorption in the Ductuli Efferentes Testis of the Rat
RusselIC Jones and Karenne M Jurd
pp. 79-90
BI9870097Stress-induced Changes in Plasma Concentrations of Immunoreactive ß-Endorphin and Cortisol in Response to Routine Surgical Procedures in Lambs
DA Shutt, LR Fell, R Connell, AK Bell, CA Wallace and AI Smith
pp. 97-104
BI9870105A Rapid, Sensitive and Reliable Assay for Inhibin Bioactivity
V WK Lee, Noelene Colvin, Helen Quigg, Lynne Atley, Julie McMaster, Lorraine Leversha and HG Burger
pp. 105-114