Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 35 Number 4 1982
BI9820363Mechanisms of Organic Acid and Monosaccharide Transport in the Kidney of the Brush-tailed Possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
John H Miller and Lynne L Morris
pp. 363-372
BI9820373Effects of Caecectomy on the Digestibility of Food and Rate of Passage of Digesta in the Rat
VJ Williams and W Senior
pp. 373-380
BI9820381Glucose Tolerance in Ewes and Susceptibility to Pregnancy Toxaemia
M E Wastney, AC Arcus, CR Bickerstaffe and JE Wolff
pp. 381-392
BI9820393Stress by Immobilization, with Food and Water Deprivation, Causes Changes in Plasma Concentration of Triiodothyronine, Thyroxine and Corticosterone in Poultry
Manika Wodzicka-Tomaszewska, T Stelmasiak and RB Cumming
pp. 393-402
BI9820403Effects of Progesterone on Nuclear and Cytosol Steroid Receptor Levels in the Oestrogen-stimulated Uterus: Comparison of the Sheep and Mouse
GM Stone, C McCaffery and BG Miller
pp. 403-416
BI9820417Timing of Anti-uterotrophic Effects of a Single Injection of Progesterone in the Oestrogen-stimulated Uterus: Comparison of the Sheep and Mouse
BG Miller, R Tassell and GM Stone
pp. 417-426
BI9820457Amylase and Protease Secretion by the Marine Bacterium Vibrio gazogenes
Catherine Ratcliffe, RL Sanders, C Ludmila Tittel and RW O’Brien
pp. 457-467