Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 35 Number 2 1982
DM Webster and EOP Thompson
pp. 125-136
BI9820137Interpretation of the Kinetics of Consecutive Enzyme-catalysed Reactions: Studies on the Arginase-Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase System
RD Teasdale, PD Jeffrey, PW Kuchel and LW Nichol
pp. 137-144
BI9820145Changes in the Milk Proteins during Lactation in the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii
Stuart W Green and Marilyn B Renfree
pp. 145-152
BI9820163Inhibition of Wool Growth in Merino Sheep following Administration of Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor and a Derivative
GPM Moore, BA Panaretto and D Robertson
pp. 163-172
BI9820173Effects of Scopolamine Hydrobromide on the Development of the Chick and Rabbit Embryo
WG McBride, PH Vardy and J French
pp. 173-178
BI9820187Development of Preimplantation Mouse Embryos in vivo and in vitro
GM Harlow and P Quinn
pp. 187-194
BI9820207Loss of Hypothalamic Dopaminergic Control of Prolactin Secretion in the Hyperprolactinaemic Rat
GA Smythe, JE Bradshaw and M Duncan
pp. 207-214
BI9820215Pattern of Cortisol Release in Sheep following Administration of Synthetic ACTH or Imposition of Various Stressor Agents
WJ Fulkerson and Pamela A Jamieson
pp. 215-222
BI9820231Isozyme Studies on the Origin and Evolution of Puccinia Graminis F. SP. Tritici in Australia
JJ Burdon, DR Marshall, NH Luig and DJS Gow
pp. 231-238