Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 34 Number 3 1981
Kenneth P McNatty
pp. 249-268
BI9810283Pancreatic Response of Anaesthetized and Conscious Rats to Bolus Injection of Cholecystokinin-Pancreozymin
PS Oates and RGH Morgan
pp. 283-294
BI9810295In vitro Noradrenaline Accumulation by Sheep Skin: Partial Characterization and Localization
A Foldes and SB James
pp. 295-304
BI9810313Dexamethasone Concentrations in Plasma and Milk of Cows Following the Injection of Long- and Short-Acting Dexamethasone Esters
RJ Fairclough, JT Hunter and RAS Welch
pp. 313-320
BI9810325Repeated DNA Sequences and Kangaroo Phylogeny
WJ Peacock, E S Dennis, A Elizur and JH Calaby
pp. 325-340
BI9810341Inheritance and Expression of Two Peptidases in the Wallaroo, Macropus Robustus (Gould)
DA Briscoe, JD Murray and GB Sharman
pp. 341-346
BI9810347Studies on the Scutellar Bristles of Drosophila Melanogaster ID. Long-Term Selection for High Bristle Number in Three further Lines Derived From the Oregon-RC Strain, Correlated Responses in Abdominal Bristles, lUld Changes in Regulation of the Scute Locu
BL Sheldon and M K Evanst
pp. 347-368
BI9810369Inheritance and Expression of Two Peptidases in the Wallaroo, Macropus rohustus (Gould)
DA Briscoe, JD Murray and GB Sharman
pp. 369-378