Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 33 Number 5 1980
PH Leighton, WK Fisher, KE Moon and EOP Thompson
pp. 513-520
BI9800521Intestinal Lactase (ß-Galactosidase) and Other Glycosidase Activities in Suckling and Adult Tammar Wallabies (Macropus Eugenii)
Pattylou J Walcott and MichaeI Messer
pp. 521-530
BI9800531Rates of Removal of Exogenous and Endogenous Glucagon From the Plasma of Sheep in Vivo
Ronald P Brockman
pp. 531-538
BI9800539Behaviour and Properties of Membrane-Bound Mouse Uterine Alkaline Phosphatase During Early Pregnancy
Louise E Buxton and RN Murdoch
pp. 539-548
BI9800557Investigations of Ultradian and Circadian Rhythms in the Concentration of Cortisol and Prolactin in the Plasma of Dairy Cattle
WJ Fulkerson, GJ Sawyer and Christine B Gow
pp. 557-562
BI9800575An Electrophoretically Cryptic Alcohol Dehydrogenase Variant in Drosophila Melanogaster. 11. Post-Electrophoresis Heat-Treatment Screening of Natural Populations
AV Wilks, JB Gibson, JG Oakeshott and GK Chambers
pp. 575-586
BI9800587Migration and Keratinization of Cells in Wool Follicles
RE Chapman, AM Downes and PA Wilson
pp. 587-604
BI9800605Isolation and Characterization of a ? Transducing Bacteriophage Carrying the cysE Gene of Escherichia Coli K-12
CP Ingle and RE Loughlin
pp. 605-612
BI9800613Role of Plant Cell Conditioned Medium in the Phenotypic Expression of Nitrogenase Activity of Rhizobium trifolii Strain T1
Minocher Reporter, Mary L Skotnicki and Barry G Rolfe
pp. 613-622