Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 33 Number 4 1980
BI9800423X-ray Induced Activity of N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive DNA Polymerase in Chinese Hamster Cells
RG Ramsay and M Westerman
pp. 423-430
BI9800431Triacylglycerols and Glyceropbospbolipids in Ovaries From Maturing and Superovulated Immature Rats
Robert Charles Tuckey and Patricia Margaret Stevenson
pp. 431-440
BI9800441Influenza Virus Haemagglutinin. Structural Predictions Suggest That the Fibrillar Appearance is Due to the Presence of a Coiled-Coil
Colin W Ward and Theo A Dopheide
pp. 441-448
BI9800449Effects of Heat Stress on the Lactation Performance of Ewes Accustomed to Tropical Conditions and the Total Fluid Intake of Their Lambs
RGA Stephenson, RD Hooley, JK Findlay and PS Hopkins
pp. 449-456
BI9800457Effects of Somatostatin and Glucagon on the Utilization of [2_14C] Propionate in Glucose Production in Vivo in Sheep
Ronald P Brockman and Cindy Greer
pp. 457-464
BI9800465Pituitary Responsiveness to LH-RH in Post-partum Ewes Treated With Oestradiol-17ß and Failing to Show a Plasma LH Surge
PJ Wright, T Stelmasiak and WA Chamley
pp. 465-470
BI9800471Estimation of Thyroid Gland Activity in the Snell Dwarf Mouse by Ultrastructural Observation of the Thyroid Gland, Measurement of Plasma Thyroxine Concentration and Thyroid Hormone Binding Capacity
Effie Howe, Christopher Howe and Irina Pollard
pp. 471-478
BI9800479An Electrophoretically Cryptic Alcohol Dehydrogenase Variant in Drosophila Melanogaster. I. Activity Ratios, Thermostability, Genetic Localization and Comparison With Two Other Thermostable Variants
JB Gibson, GK Chambers, AV Wilks and JG Oakeshott
pp. 479-490
BI9800491Rhizobium trifolii Mutant Interactions During the Establishment of Nodulation in White Clover
Barry G Rolfe and Peter M Gresshoff
pp. 491-504