Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 33 Number 2 1980
JM Gillespie, MJ Frenkel and PJ Reis
pp. 125-136
BI9800137Amino Acid Sequence of Cyanogen Bromide Fragment CN2 From a Hong Kong Influenza Haemagglutinin Heavy Chain
Colin W Ward, Theo AA Dopheide and Adam S Inglis
pp. 137-152
BI9800153Myoglobins of Cartilaginous Fishes. II. Isolation and Amino Acid Sequence of Myoglobin of the Shark Mustelus Antarcticus
WK Fisher, DD Koureas and EOP Thompson
pp. 153-168
BI9800169Larvicidal Activity of Inhibitors of DOPA Decarboxylase on the Australian Sheep Blowfly, Lucilia Cuprina
IF Turnbull and AJ Howells
pp. 169-182
BI9800183Effects of Internally Administered N-[5-( 4-Aminophenoxy)Pentyl]Phthalimide on Wool Follicles and Skin of Sheep
RE Chapman and RDG Rigby
pp. 183-196
BI9800205Low-Iodine Diet for Producing Iodine Deficiency in Rats
GH McIntosh, GB Jones, DA Howard, GB Belling, BJ Potter and BS Hetzel
pp. 205-212
BI9800213Plasma LH and FSH in Ewes That Were Either Fertile or Infertile After Long-Term Grazing of Oestrogenic Pasture
RJ Rodgers, IJ Clarke, JK Findlay, Ainslie Brown, IA Cumming, BD Muller and SK Walker
pp. 213-220
BI9800235Peaton Virus: a New Simbu Group Arbovirus Isolated From Cattle and Culicoides Hrevitarsis in Australia
T D St George, HA Standfast, DH Cybinski, CheryI Filippich and JG Carley
pp. 235-244
BI9800245Amino Acid Composition of Capsid Protein as a Taxonomic Criterion for Classifying the Atypical S Strain of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus
JW Randles, C Davies, J Gibbs and T Hatta
pp. 245-254