Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 33 Number 1 1980
BI9800015Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Activity in Group N Streptococci
MC Broome, MP Thomas, J Hillier and GR Jago
pp. 15-26
BI9800027Immunoglobulin G Antibodies to the Antigens of Lucilia Cuprina in the Sera of Fly-Struck Sheep
IJ O'Donnell, PE Green, JA Connell and PS Hopkins
pp. 27-34
BI9800035Changes in Milk Composition During Lactation in the Tammar Wallaby (Macropus Eugenii)
B Green, K Newgrain and J Merchant
pp. 35-42
BI9800053Production of Severe Iodine Deficiency in Sheep Using a Prepared Low-Iodine Diet
BJ Potter, GB Jones, RA Buckley, GB Belling, GH McIntosh and BS Hetzel
pp. 53-62
BI9800063Growth of Graafian Follicles in Cows Following Luteolysis Induced by the Prostaglandin F2a Analogue, Cloprostenol
RJ Scaramuzzi, KE Turnbull and CD Nancarrow
pp. 63-70
BI9800085Genetic Basis of Resistance to Diazinon in Victorian Populations of the Australian Sheep Blowfly, Lucilia Cuprina
JA McKenzie, JM Dearn and MJ Whitten
pp. 85-96
BI9800105Opposing Modes of Selection on the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Locus in Drosophila Melanogaster
JG Oakeshott, JB Gibson, PR Anderson and A Champ
pp. 105-114
BI9800115Serological Studies on Some Australian Isolates of Verticillium Spp.
R Fitzell, PC Fahy and G Evans
pp. 115-124