Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 32 Numbers 4 & 5 1979
M Javad Zamiri and Alan W Blackshaw
pp. 409-414
BI9790437Comparison of Some Microfibrillar Proteins From Wool
Lyndsay M Dowling, Keith H Gough, Adam S Inglis and Lindsay G Sparrow
pp. 437-442
BI9790457Long-Term Effects of Feeding Protected Sunflower Seed Supplement on the Composition of Body Fat in Growing Sheep
SC Mills, TW Searle and R Evans
pp. 457-462
BI9790463Pituitary Response of Prepuberal Lambs to Oestradiol-17ß
Chu T Tran, TN Edey and JK Findlay
pp. 463-468
BI9790469Frequency-Dependent Models for X-linked Loci in Kangaroos
RH Crozier and P Parnilo
pp. 469-474
BI9790475Preservation of Avian Cells at Sub-zero Temperatures
N Ratnamohan and PB Spradbrow
pp. 475-482
BI9790483Isolation of Inner Cell Masses From Mouse Blastocysts by Immunosurgery or Exposure to the Calcium Ionophore A23187
Gaye M Harlow and P Quinn
pp. 483-492
BI9790493Degradation of Hexachlorocyclohexanes and Structurally Related Substances by Clostridium Sphenoides
AD Heritage and IC MacRae
pp. 493-500
BI9790501Bacterial and Bacteroid Properties of Mutants of Rhizobium Trifolii Strain T1 Uncoupled in Oxidative Phosphorylation
Mary L Skotnicki and Barry G Rolfe
pp. 501-518