Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 31 Number 6 1978
BI9780593The Effect of Semi-Starvation on the Digestibility of Food in Young Adult Female Rats
VJ Williams and W Senior
pp. 593-600
BI9780649The Relation between Patterns of Ovarian Follicle Growth and Ovulation Rate in Sheep
KE Turnbull, PE Mattner, JM George and RJ Scaramuzzi
pp. 649-656
BI9780657Pituitary Hormone Control of Implantation in the Mouse
AA Gidley-Baird and CW Emmens
pp. 657-666
BI9780679Transformation of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strain Pao With Bacteriophage and Plasmid DNA
MI Sinclair and AF Morgan
pp. 679-688