Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 31 Number 2 1978
BC Radcliffe and AR Egan
pp. 105-114
BI9780115Comparative Toxicities of Mimosine and Some Chemically Related Compounds to Mouse Bone Marrow Cells in Liquid Culture
MP Hegarty, CP Lee, GS Christie, FG De Munk and RD Court
pp. 115-122
BI9780123Amino Acid Uptake by the Mammary Gland of the Lactating Ewe
SR Davis, R Bickerstaffe and DS Hart
pp. 123-132
BI9780141Metabolism of [14C]Amitraz in Larvae of Boophilus Microplus
CA Schuntner and PG Thompson
pp. 141-148
BI9780149Reaction of Some Invertebrate and Plant Agglutinins and a Mouse Myeloma Anti-Galactan Protein With an Arabinogalactan From Wheat
BA Baldo, H Neukom, BA Stone and G Uhlenbruck
pp. 149-160
BI9780161Effects of Abomasal Supplements of Methionine on the Wool Follicles and Skin of Wheat-Fed Sheep
RE Chapman and PJ Reis
pp. 161-172
BI9780173Immunological Aspects of Gestation in the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii
KZ Walker and CH Tyndale-Biscoe
pp. 173-182
BI9780183The Effect of 2-Deoxy-N-Glucose on Ovarian Function of Cattle
TJ McClure, CD Nancarrow and HM Radford
pp. 183-186
BI9780187The Importance of Prolactin and the Milking Stimulus in the Artificial Induction of Lactation in Cows
CJ Peel, JW Taylor, IB Robinson, AA McGowan, RD Hooley and JK Findlay
pp. 187-196