Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 29 Number 4 1976
GW Skyring and HE Jones
pp. 291-300
BI9760301Polypeptides From Serum Low-Density Lipoproteins of Pigs (Sus Domesticus)
CS Walkley and DR Husbands
pp. 301-304
BI9760305An Alternative Coupling Procedure for Preparing Activated Sepharose for Affinity Chromatography of Penicillinase
RG Coombe and AM George
pp. 305-316
BI9760325Examination of Some Processing Methods for Freezing Boar Semen
O Osinowo and S Salamon
pp. 325-334
BI9760341Effects of Semi-Starvation on the Total Body Composition and Absorptive Function of the Small Intestine of the Young Adult Female Rat
VJ Williams, W Senior and JilI Sippel
pp. 341-350
BI9760351Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Vagus Nerves on Bile Secretion in Anaesthetized Sheep
MichaeI Pass and Trevor Heath
pp. 351-356
BI9760357Artificial Induction of Lactation in Ewes: The Involvement of Progesterone and Prolactin in Lactogenesis
WJ Fulkerson, RD Hooley, GH McDowell and LR FelI
pp. 357-364
BI9760389Adaptedness of Variants at an Alcohol Dehydrogenase Locus in Bromus mollis L. (Soft Bromegrass)
ADH Brown, DR Marshall and J Munday
pp. 389-396