Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 29 Number 3 1976
TAA Dopheide and AS Inglis
pp. 175-180
BI9760181Instability of DTNB-Treated Globin or Haemoglobin
NG Baptist, AR Nash and EOP Thompson
pp. 181-188
BI9760189Inhibition of Wool Follicle DNA Synthesis by Mimosine and Related 4(1H)-Pyridones
KA Ward and RL N Harris
pp. 189-196
BI9760197Some Effects of Pressure Treatment on Actomyosin Systems
JM O'Shea, DJ Horgan and J JMacfarlane
pp. 197-208
BI9760209Methane Production and Digestibility Measurements in the Grey Kangaroo and Sheep
TJ Kempton, RM Murray and RA Leng
pp. 209-214
BI9760215Glucose and Acetate Metabolism in Sheep at Rest and During Exercise
GJ Judson, O H Filsell and IG Jarrett
pp. 215-222
BI9760223Studies With the Autotransplanted Ovine Pancreas: Glucagon and Insulin Secretion
AC Arcus, M Jane Ellis, RD Kirk, DW Beaven, RA Donald, DS Hart, GW Holland and C Redekopp
pp. 223-236
BI9760237Studies on the Zona Pellucida of Sheep Ova: Immune Lysis and Localization of Antibodies in Ova With, and Without, Zonae
AO Trounson, Anne Pugh and NW Moore
pp. 237-244
BI9760251Linkage and Dominance Characteristics of Genes for Resistance to Organophosphorus Acaricides and Allelic Inheritance of Decreased Brain Cholinesterase Activity in Three Strains of the Cattle Tick, Boophilus microplus
Bernard F Stone, John T Wilson and Nerida J Youlton
pp. 251-264
BI9760265Biochemical Genetics of Resistance to Organophosphorus Acaricides in Three Strains of the Cattle Tick, Boophilus microplus
Bernard F Stone, James Nolan and Charles A Schuntner
pp. 265-280