Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 28 Number 4 1975
MJ Frenkel, JM Gillespie and PJ Reis
pp. 331-338
BI9750339Dependence upon Bile Volume of the Biliary Excretion of Bromocresol Green and Amaranth in the Anaesthetized Rat
Alan G Clark and KarI M Rogers
pp. 339-352
BI9750353Studies on Monotreme Proteins. VI. Amino Acid Sequence of the ß-Chain of Haemoglobin From the Platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus
RG Whittaker and EOP Thompson
pp. 353-366
BI9750379A Kinetic Approach to Defining the Role of Chemically Modifiable Residues at the Active Sites of Enzymes
Leonie K Ashman and D Bruce Keech
pp. 379-388
BI9750389Influence of Nutrition on the Crimping Rate of Wool and the Type and Proportion of Constituent Proteins
M E Campbell, KJ Whiteley and JM Gillespie
pp. 389-398
BI9750399Extra-ovarian Effects of Bovine Prolactin and Growth Hormone on the Vagina of the Mouse
TG Kennedy and AA Gidley-Baird
pp. 399-404
BI9750405Enzyme Polymorphism and Species Discrimination in Fruit Flies of the Genus Dacus (Tephritidae)
Stephen W McKechnie
pp. 405-412
BI9750417Inheritance of Some Sweat Gland and Hair Follicle Characteristics in Cattle
D McEwan Jenkinson, I L Mason and T Nay
pp. 417-424
BI9750425Electron Microscopy of Japanaut and Tilligerry Viruses: Two Proposed Members of the Orbivirus Group
RD Schnagl and IH Holmes
pp. 425-432