Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 28 Number 3 1975
NS Agar, J Roberts, Ann Mulley, PG Board and JD Harley
pp. 233-238
BI9750239A Comparison of the Uptake of [75Se] Selenite, [75Se] Selenomethionine and [35Se]Methionine by Tissues of Ewes and Lambs
Christine N Fuss and KO Godwin
pp. 239-250
BI9750251Glutathione Peroxidase Activities in Sheep and Rat Muscle and Some Effects of Selenium Deficiency
KO Godwin, Christine N Fuss and RE Kuchel
pp. 251-258
BI9750267Pyridine Nucleosidase in Bull Semen I. Breed and Sire Differences in Enzyme Concentration
KL Macmillan, KH Giles and NL Hart
pp. 267-272
BI9750273Pyridine Nucleosidase in Bull Semen ll. Biochemical Properties
KH Giles and KL Macmillan
pp. 273-278
BI9750279Hormone Studies on Ewes Grazing an Oestrogenic (Yarloop Clover) Pasture During the Reproductive Cycle
JM Obst and RF Seamark
pp. 279-290
BI9750291Further Observations on Hormonal Support of Pregnancy in the Ovariectomized Rabbit
JK Kwun and CW Emmens
pp. 291-300