Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 28 Number 1 1975
BI9750031Sulphate Recycling and Metabolism in Sheep and Cattle
PM Kennedy, ER Williams and D Sieberta
pp. 31-42
BI9750043Changes in the Jugular Haematocrit of Sheep During Feeding
PC Dooleya and VJ Williamsa
pp. 43-54
BI9750055The Sweat Glands and Hair Follicles of Different Species of Bovidae
D Mcewan Jenkinsona and T Nayb
pp. 55-68
BI9750069Effects of Mimosine, a Potential Chemical Defleecing Agent, on Wool Growth and the Skin of Sheep
PJ Reis, DA Tunks and RE Chapman
pp. 69-84
BI9750089Chromosomal Evolution in the Lizard Genus Varanus (Reptilia)
Max Kinga and Dennis King
pp. 89-108