Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 27 Number 4 1974
MB Smith, TM Reynolds, CP Buckingham and JF Back
pp. 349-360
BI9740383The Chemical Composition of Wool. XII Further Studies on Cortical Cells and Macrofibrils
VG Kulkarni and JH Bradbury
pp. 383-396
BI9740397Characterization of the Organophosphoms-resistant Mt Alford, Gracemere and Silkwood Strains of the Cattle Tick, Boophilus microplus
HJ Schnitzerling, CA Schuntner, WJ Roulston and JT Wilson
pp. 397-408
BI9740409Infertility in Ewes caused by Prolonged Grazing on Oestrogenic Pastures: Oestrus, Fertilization and Cervical Mucus
RJ Lightfoot, JF Smith, IA Cumming, T Marshall, RH Wroth and Helen Hearnshaw
pp. 409-414
BI9740415Amino Acid Composition of Semen and the Secretions of the Male Reproductive Tract
PDC Brown-Woodman and IG White
pp. 415-422
BI9740423Fertility following Inseminations with Frozen-Thawed Reconcentrated and Unconcentrated Ram Semen
D Visser and S Salamon
pp. 423-426
BI9740427Mutagenicity of DDT in Mice, Drosophila melanogaster and Neurospora crassa
Julian M Clark
pp. 427-440
BI9740441The Genetic Architecture of Resistance to Desiccation in Populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans
A McKenzie and PA Parsons
pp. 441-456
BI9740457Influence of Carbohydrate Accessibility on Cellulase Production by Lenzites trabea and Polyporus versicolor
MA Hulme and DW Stranks
pp. 457-464