Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 26 Number 3 1973
RM Gifford and C Marshall
pp. 517-526
BI9730527Growth Inhibitors From Etiolated Leaves of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
R Menhenett and DJ Carr
pp. 527-538
BI9730575Recovery of Potentially Pathogenic Phytophthora and Pythium Spp. From Native Vegetation in Australia
BH Pratt and WA Heather
pp. 575-582
BI9730605Haemoglobin Polymorphisms in the Echidna, Tachyglossus Aculeatus
DW Cooper, JL Vandeberg, ME Griffiths and E HM Ealey
pp. 605-612
BI9730613Response to Selection in Synthetic Lines of Drosophila Melanogaster
RR Howe and JW James
pp. 613-624
BI9730625Relative Importance of Pancreatic Lipase and Pregastric Esterase on Lipid Absorption in Calves 1-2 Weeks of Age
JM Gooden and AK Lascelles
pp. 625-634
BI9730635Plasma Amino Acid Patterns in Sheep Receiving Abomasal Infusions of Methionine and Cystine
PJ Reis, DA Tunks and LF Sharry
pp. 635-644
BI9730645Effect of Storage of Rabbit Spermatozoa at?79°C on Their Subsequent Transport and Fertility in the Rabbit Doe
BE Murdoch and T O'shea
pp. 645-652
BI9730653The in Vitro Metabolism of [U-14C]Glucose by the Preimplantation Rabbit Embryo
P Quinn and RG Wales
pp. 653-668
BI9730675Flowering in Pisum: Evidence that Gene Sn Controls a Graft-Transmissible Inhibitor
IC Murfet and JB Reid
pp. 675-678
BI9730679Peroxidase Activity and Lignification in the Pod Membrane of Pisum Sativum L.
Alison C Bowling and RK Crowden
pp. 679-684
BI9730685The Effect of Temperature on the Carbohydrate Metabolism of Potato Tubers
PJ Walsh and KS Rowan
pp. 685-688