Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 26 Number 2 1973
RL Dunstone, RM Gifford and LT Evans
pp. 295-308
BI9730319Stress Metabolism V. Abscisic Acid and Nitrogen Metabolism in Barley and Lolium Temulentum L.
D Aspinall, TN Singh and LG Paleg
pp. 319-328
BI9730329Mechanisms Regulating Photosynthesis in Pennisetum Typhoides
HG Mcpherson and RO Slatyer
pp. 329-340
BI9730341Pretreatment Effects on the Rates of Aldrin Metabolism in Pea Plants (Pisum Sativum)
JW Earl and IR Kennedy
pp. 341-348
BI9730349Stimulation of Growth in Ocimum Kilimandscharicum by Low-Dose X-Irradiation
B Joseph, BK Gaur, MS Chadha and AV Patankar
pp. 349-356
BI9730357Ultrastructure of Lipid Deposits and Other Contents in Freeze-Etched Coleoptile Cells of Ungerminated Rice Grains
MS Buttrose and A Soeffky
pp. 357-364
BI9730395A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of the Morphology of Rhinoceros Horn
LJ Lynch, V Robinson and CA Anderson
pp. 395-400
BI9730415The Complete Amino Acid Sequence of a Feather Keratin From Emu (Dromaius Novae-Hollandiae)
IJ O'donnelI and E Suzuki
pp. 415-438
BI9730445Inheritance of Dimethoate Resistance in the Mackay Strain of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus Microplus) in Australia
BF Stone, JT Wilson and Nerida J Youlton
pp. 445-452
BI9730453Enzyme Activity of the Cytochrome System of the Egg and Larva of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus Microplus)
AG Shanahan and JE O'hagan
pp. 453-464
BI9730491The Effect of Hypophysectomy on Testicular Hydrolases, Lactate Dehydrogenase, and Spermatogenesis in the Rat
JSH Elkington, AW Blackshaw and B De Jong
pp. 491-504
BI9730505Zea Mays: Methods for Diploid Callus Culture and the Subsequent Differentiation of Various Plant Structures
PM Gresshoff and CH Doy
pp. 505-508
BI9730513Fertility of Ram Spermatozoa Frozen in A Tris-Based Diluent
D Visser and s Salamon
pp. 513-515