Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 25 Number 6 1972
BI9721125The Action of Abscisic Acid on Ion Uptake and Water Flow in Plant Roots
WJ Cram and MG Pitman
pp. 1125-1132
BI9721133Photosynthesis of Tropical Pasture Plantsiv. Basis and Consequences of Differences Between Grasses and Legumes
M M Ludlow and GL Wilson
pp. 1133-1146
BI9721147The Contribution by Leaves of Different Age to New Growth of Subterranean Clover Plants Following the Removal of a Sulphur Stress I. Origin and Distribution of Dry Matter
D Bouma, EAN Greenwood and EJ Dowling
pp. 1147-1156
BI9721157The Contribution by Leaves of Different Age to New Growth of Subterranean Clover Plants Following the Removal of a Sulphur Stress II. Uptake and Distribution of Sulphur
D Bouma, Z Titmanis and EAN Greenwood
pp. 1157-1168
BI9721187Ultrastructure and Differentiation of Hydrodictyon Reticulatum V. Development of Polyhedra
HJ Marchant and JD Pickett-heaps
pp. 1187-1198
BI9721199Ultrastructure and Differentiation of Hlydrodictyon Reticulatum VI. Formation of the Germ Net
HJ Marchant and JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 1199-1214
BI9721215Control of Glucose-Metabolizing Enzymes in Preneoplastic Rat Liver
MG Irving, JF Williams and JBW Halley
pp. 1215-1224
BI9721225The Chemical Composition of Wool X. Material Digested by Trypsin From Fibres and Cortical Cells
DE Peters and JH Bradbury
pp. 1225-1234
BI9721235The Chemical Composition of Wool XI. Separation and Analysis of Exocuticle and Endocuticle
JH Bradbury and KF Ley
pp. 1235-1248
BI9721249Tinctorial Differentiation of the Cell Types in the Pars Anterior of the Sheep
Robin Tassell and JP Kennedy
pp. 1249-1258
BI9721269Metabolism of Cystine by Merino Sheep Genetically Different in Wool Production II. the Responses in Wool Growth to Abomasal Infusions of L-Cystine or Dl-Methionine
AJ Williams, GE Robards and DG Saville
pp. 1269-1276
BI9721351The Importance of High Temperatures in the Induction of the Resting Phase of Pinus Elliottii
MU Slee and KR Shepherd
pp. 1351-1354
BI9721365Significance of the Orientation of Coordinated Imidazole and Benzimidazole Groups in Haemoprotein and Vitamin B12 Structures
JE Fergusson, WT Robinson and GA Rodley
pp. 1365-1372
BI9721377Effect of Sulphate ion on the in Vitro Rumen Digestion of Polysaccharide Constituents of Bagasse
RFH Dekker and GN Richards
pp. 1377-1380
BI9721381Histamine Levels in the Blood of Pregnant Mares
N S Fernandes and CK Rantilla
pp. 1381-1183