Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 25 Number 4 1972
Daphne Lucas
pp. 649-656
BI9720691Organ Regeneration on Excised Roots of Chondrilla Juncea and Its Chemical Regulation
NP Kefford and OH Caso
pp. 691-706
BI9720707The External Location of Phosphatase Activity in Phosphorus-Deficient Spirodela Oligorrhiza
RL Bieleski and PN Johnson
pp. 707-720
BI9720749Plant Competition Mediated by Host-Specific Parasites-a Simple Model
GA Chilvers and EG Brittain
pp. 749-756
BI9720807Metabolism of [14C]Formaldehyde When Fed to Ruminants as an Aldehyde-Casein-Oil Complex
SC Mills, LF Sharry, LJ Cook and TW Scott
pp. 807-816
BI9720861Oospore Production in Phytophthora Cinnamomi in the Presence of Trichoderma Koningii
BH Pratt, JH Sedgley, WA Heather and CJ Shepherd
pp. 861-864
BI9720865The Entry of Selenium into Rabbit Protein Following the Administration of Na275Seo3
KO Godwin and christine N Fuss
pp. 865-872