Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 25 Number 2 1972
BI9720259Haploid Arabidopsis Thaliana Callus and Plants From Anther Culture
PM Gresshoff and CH Doy
pp. 259-264
BI9720265Ultrastructure and Differentiation of Hydrodictyon Reticulatum III. Formation of the Vegetative Daughter Net
HJ Marchant and JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 265-278
BI9720279Ultrastructure and Differentiation of Hydrodictyon Reticulatum IV. Conjugation of Gametes and the Development of Zygospores and Azygospores
HJ Marchant and JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 279-292
BI9720293Inter-Isolate Heterokaryosis in Thanatephorus Cucumeris I. Between Isolates of Similar Pathogenicity
Helena M Stretton and NT Flentje
pp. 293-304
BI9720305Inter-Isolate Heterokaryosis in Thanatephorus Cucumeris I. Between Isolates of Different Pathogenicity
Helena M Stretton and NT Flentje
pp. 305-318
BI9720319A Field Experiment to Assess the Role of Parainfluenza Type 3 Virus in Pneumonia in a Flock of Sheep in Victoria
T D St George and CE Liefman
pp. 319-326
BI9720335The Role of Wild and Cultivated Grasses in the Hybridization of Formae Speciales of Puccinia Graminis
NH Luig and IA Watson
pp. 335-342
BI9720343Computer Simulation of a Sporophytic Self-Incompatibility Breeding System
BC Imrie, Colleen J Kirkman and DR Ross
pp. 343-350
BI9720397Effects of Fasting on Oestrus and Ovulation in the Oestrous Rabbit
TN Edey and IE Casida
pp. 397-404
BI9720405Pancreatic Exocrine Secretion and Digestion in the Sheep
IG Jarrett and OH Filsell
pp. 405-410
BI9720419Activation Energy Analysis and Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis
RM Gifford and RB Musgrave
pp. 419-424