Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 25 Number 1 1972
BI9720009The Fine Structure of the Wheat Scutellum Before Germination
JG Swift and TP O'brien
pp. 9-22
BI9720035Effects of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide on Respiration, Storage Life, and Organic Acids of Green Bananas
WB Mcglasson and RBH Wills
pp. 35-42
BI9720043Effects of Tetracycline Antibiotics on Plants Affected by Legume Little Leaf Disease
JW Bowyer and JG Atherton
pp. 43-52
BI9720061Natural and Forced Circadian Oscillations in the Leaf of Trifolium Repens
BIH Scott and HF Gulline
pp. 61-76
BI9720077The Effect of Mineral Nutrient Deficiency on the Content of free Amino Acids in Setaria Sphacelata
RD Court, WT Williams and MP Hegarty
pp. 77-88
BI9720089Characterization of Electron Transport in Turnip Microsomes
JM Rungie and JT Wiskich
pp. 89-102
BI9720103Changes in Microsomal Electron Transport of Plant Storage Tissues Induced by Slicing and Aging
JM Rungie and JT Wiskich
pp. 103-114
BI9720115Inhibitor Studies on the Biosynthesis of Chondromucoprotein by Chicken Embryonic Cartilage
PL Jeffrey and KG Rienits
pp. 115-124
BI9720125Ethanolamine Phospholipid Metabolism in Myelinating Rat Brain
SJ Wysocki and W Segal
pp. 125-132
BI9720133Keratin Fibres VI. Mechanism of the Allwörden Reaction
JH Bradbury and JD Leeder
pp. 133-138
BI9720139Ultra-High-Sulphur Proteins in the Hairs of the Artiodactyla
JM Gillespie and Andrea Broad
pp. 139-146
BI9720155Regulation of Output of Electrolytes in Bile and Pancreatic Juice in Sheep
I Caple and T Heath
pp. 155-166
BI9720175The Effect of Storage in Vitro on the Dna Content of Bull Spermatozoa
AW Blackshaw and GW Salisbury
pp. 175-184
BI9720205The Incorporation of Linoleic Acid Into the Tissues of Growing Steers Offered a Dietary Supplement of Formaldehyde-Treated Casein-Safflower Oil
GJ Faichney, H Lloyd Davies, TW Scott and LJ Cook
pp. 205-212