Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 24 Number 4 1971
BI9710853Water Uptake by Cotton Roots During an Irrigation Cycle
HM Taylor and Betty Klepper
pp. 853-860
BI9710873The Absorption of Boron by Disks of Plant Storage Tissues
RA Wildes and TF Neales
pp. 873-884
BI9710885Inhibition of Ethylene Production in Banana Fruit Tissue by Ethylene Treatment
M Vendrell and WB Mcglasson
pp. 885-896
BI9710917Some Characteristics of Pectolytic Bacteria Associated with Potato in Tasmania
PJ Sampson and AC Hayward
pp. 917-924
BI9710925Bacteria and Actinomycetes Antogonistic to Fungal Root Pathogens in Australian Soils
Patricia Broadbent, KF Baker and Yvonne Waterworth
pp. 925-944
BI9710945Variation in Infrared Reflectance of Eucalyptus Radiata Dc.
R Story and GA Yapp
pp. 945-954
BI9710963Ultrastructure of Nuclear Division in Paramecium Aurelia I. Mitosis in the Micronucleus
I Stevenson and FP Lloyd
pp. 963-976
BI9710977Ultrastructure of Nuclear Division in Paramecium Aurelia II. Amitosis of the Macronucleus
I Stevenson and FP Lloyd
pp. 977-988
BI9711001Fertility of Progestagen-Treated Ewes in Relation to the Numbers and Concentration of Spermatozoa in the Inseminate
AJ Allison and TJ Robinson
pp. 1001-1008
BI9711009The Uterus of the Ewe I. Secretion From the Cannulated Uterus
RG Wales and BJ Restall
pp. 1009-1022
BI9711065Photosynthesis of Tropical Pasture Plants II. Temperature and Illuminance History
MM Ludlow and GL Wilson
pp. 1065-1076
BI9711077Photosynthesis of Tropical Pasture Plants III. Leaf Age
MM Ludlow and GL Wilson
pp. 1077-1088
BI9711103Metabolic Studies with Banana Fruit Slices II. Effects of Inhibitors on Respiration, Ethylene Production, and Ripening
WB Mcglasson, JK Palmer, M Vendrell and CJ Brady
pp. 1103-1114
BI9711125Inhibition by Plant Growth Retardants of Cholesterol Biosynthesis in Slices of Rat Liver and Hepatoma
L Paleg and JR Sabine
pp. 1125-1130
BI9711151A Study of Australian Arboviruses Resembling Bluetongue Virus
RD Schagl and IH Holmes
pp. 1151-1162
BI9711163Differentiation in Species of Allomyces: The Production of Sporangia
Jean Youatt, R Fleming and B Jobling
pp. 1163-1168
BI9711181Biosynthesis of Inositol by Inositol-Less Mutants of Neurospora Crassa
SG Williams
pp. 1181-1188
BI9711189Relation Between the Tyrosine Content of Various Wools and Their Content of a Class of Proteins Rich in Tyrosine and Glycine
JM Gillespie and RL Darskus
pp. 1189-1198
BI9711235Hydrolysis of the Peptide Bond and Amino Acid Modification with Hydriodic Acid
AS Inglis, PW Nicholls and CM Roxburgh
pp. 1235-1240
BI9711241Quantitative Determination of Cysteine and Cystine in Peptides and Proteins Using Hydriodic Acid
AS Inglis, PW Nicholls and CM Roxburgh
pp. 1241-1246
BI9711247Acid Hydrolysis of Phenylthiohydantoins of Amino Acids
AS Inglis, PW Nicholls and CM Roxburgh
pp. 1247-1250
BI9711251Identification of [75se]Selenomethionine in Ewe Milk Protein Following the Intraruminal Administration of Na75seo3 as a Single Oral Dose
KO Godwin, KA Handreck and Christine N Fuss
pp. 1251-1262
BI9711263Effect of Oestradiol-3,17ß Dipropionate on Spermatogenesis and Lysosomal Enzymes in the Rat Tests
JSH Elkington and AW Blackshaw
pp. 1263-1276
BI9711291Factors Determining Sweating Competence of Cattle Skin
AV Schleger and KG Bean
pp. 1291-1300
BI9711309Factors Affecting Lipid Output and Flow of Thoracic Duct Lymph in Newborn Calves
JM Gooden, MR Brandon, PE Hartmann and AK Lascelles
pp. 1309-1318
BI9711347Interaction of Succinic Acid-2,2-Dimethylhydrazide and Gibberellic Acid on Dwarf Bean and Dwarf Corn
N Veinbrants and KS Rowan
pp. 1347-1350
BI9711351Adenine Nucleotide Levels in Cells of the Marine Alga, Griffithsia
R Mcc Lilley and AB Hope
pp. 1351-1354